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The Ashcombe School



The History Department believes its students should develop an ongoing interest and fascination with the past and an appreciation of human achievements.  Our aim is for all of our students to become enthused and intrigued by different aspects of History so that they might ask their own thoughtful questions of the past.

 Curriculum Map History

Our curriculum in years 7, 8 and 9

In Years 7 and 8, students study medieval England culminating in the Civil War, the development of the British Empire, the rise and fall of the transatlantic slave trade and the Industrial Revolution. 

In Year 9, students study the World Wars, the Roaring 20s in the USA, and the Holocaust.

Our Upper School Curriculum

Our Sixth Form curriculum

Enrichment opportunities

 We run a three-day and one-day trip to the World War 1 battlefields in Year 10.

In the 6th Form, we visit Berlin and Washington.