The study of English allows you to be immersed in the lives of others; it will open your eyes to a rich world of experiences. It is through the study of Literature and Language that students will sharpen their critical thinking, refine their ability to use language and develop the confidence to express themselves, both verbally and through their writing.
Our curriculum in Years 7, 8 and 9
Our aim is to inspire students to question and analyse the world around them through the study of traditional and modern writers. The Key Stage 3 curriculum is wonderfully broad and will allow students to develop a wide appreciation of literature. Embedded within each unit is the study of spelling, punctuation and grammar to ensure these skills continue to be developed throughout the three years. Most importantly, English allows you to curl up with a good book!
During Years 7, 8 and 9, students will study a comprehensive curriculum from ancient Greek myths, multiple Shakespearean plays, Victorian literature, through to modern texts such as 'Alone on a Wide Wide Sea' and the poetry of Carol Ann Duffy. The course aims to immerse students in the full spectrum of literature, and to develop key analytical skills through the study of these texts.
For the last two years, Year 7 students have been lucky enough to meet the author Chris Priestley, whose book they study, as he has come into school to speak to students and hopefully inspire budding young authors.
Our Upper School Curriculum
Our Sixth Form curriculum
Enrichment opportunities
In Year 11, we run the ‘Poetry Live!’ trip each year, ensuring that students experience poetry in its truest form and engage with literature beyond the classroom.
Each year, the department runs a wide range of theatre visits to encourage students to immerse themselves in the world of English Literature.