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The Ashcombe School


Support and Information Events

The following information is from from the main support events and parents' evenings during year.

We started the year with presentations to parents of students in Years 8 to 11.


For Year 11 parents we include links to the assessment timetables and revision resources. 

Assessments and Public Exams Timetables

Progress Evenings

In 2024-2025 some year groups will have virtual progress evenings (Y8, Y10, Y11 Spring, Y13) and others will have in-person progress evenings taking place in the Ranmore building (Y7, Y9, Y11 Autumn, Y12). 

We will ask for feedback from those year groups who will have in-person appointments to determine whether to continue these in some year groups going forward. All appointments will be booked via our online system, and we will write to parents regarding how to make appointments prior to each progress evening.

For online progress evenings please find details below on how to attend the video appointments:

Parents' Evening Guide - How to attend online

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