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The Ashcombe School



Attendance Matters - excellent attendance is essential for a student to achieve their full potential at The Ashcombe School. The Ashcombe School's attendance target for every student is at least:

A student not achieving this is a concern, but appreciate that there may be mitigating  circumstances for some students. We value and want to understand and support parents in overcoming any attendance barriers and will work to develop a strong partnership between home and school. We want to create an inclusive approach, offering kindness and support, which with our mental health and wellbeing programme ensures students and parents know we are here to enable access to school.

Together, we can create a supportive environment where every student feels motivated and empowered to attend school regularly.



  • Parents should ring the absence phone number which is 01306 886312 (select option 1) or email absence@ashcombe.surrey.sch.uk to report the absence.  This should be made as early as possible in the morning. 
  • Students who are absent for 5 days or more will require a note from their doctor.  Please contact the relevant Head of Year if your child is going to be absent for a prolonged period.
  • There is good advice about whether a child is too ill for school at Is my child too ill for school? - NHS.


  • If your child is unexpectedly late, please call the absence line 01306 886312 (select option 1) as soon as possible.  
  • Note that students should be in their Tutor room by 8.50am. If they arrive after 9am they must sign in at reception.

Medical Appointments

  • You can report any absence due to a medical appointment in advance using the absence line (01306 886312 - select option 1) - please state what the appointment is so that appropriate coding can be used. Appointments where possible should be out of school time.
  • You can advise us in writing, in advance, of the appointment. Please email absence@ashcombe.surrey.sch.uk 
  • You can also ring the absence line on the morning of the appointment.

Other Absences

  • Holidays - Education law states that parents do not have a right to take their child out of school for a holiday during term time. Only in exceptional circumstances may a Headteacher grant permission for leave; and it is the Headteachers' decision on whether the absence is exceptional and how many days to approve. Please email absence@ashcombe.surrey.sch.uk to request an absence form.
  • Please email absence@ashcombe.surrey.sch.uk to advise us of absence for events such as Funerals, Sporting Activities, Dance and Music Exams, Rehearsals and any other full-day absences.
  • Days off should not be allowed for birthdays.