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The Ashcombe School


How To Revise

Michele Miller Session

Think back to the revision session in school run by Michele Miller. Michelle discussed the following topics with us:

  • What is your motivation for revision?
  • Revising in blocks of thirty-five minutes
  • The difference between short-term and long-term memory
  • The role of self-testing
  • The role of distributed practice using the Leitner System

Working Memory vs Long Term Memory

Working memory allows people to hold small amounts of information for a short period. It is active in class, but you will forget the information if you don't move it into your long-term memory.  Long-term memory will allow you to remember more content for your exams. The Leitner system will help move your revision into your long-term memory.

Self-testing and RAG rating checklists

  •  Start with self-testing to determine what you don't know. Self-testing can help you RAG rate your topics on your checklists. You should continue to update your checklists as you revise.

    Using Cornell Notes when self-testing
    Use the headings from your revision guide to note what you know. Then, return to the revision guide to check what you have missed. 

    Print off  the Cornell note sheet to help structure your notes
    Cornell Notes Page - Print

    Using online systems for self-testing
    Complete online quizzes for topics using services such as GCSE Bitesize and Educake.

The Leitner System - Distributed Practice

  • Remember, you can use electronic systems such as Quizlet and physical cards when using the Leitner system.


Quizlet Revision Card Sets - Leitner System Revision


 Links to Revision Resources and GCSE Revision

Revision Resources

GCSE Revision