Curriculum Intent
- We believe that every student should have the opportunity to experience a broad range of subjects through to GCSE examinations, which ensures that they develop a wide range of skills and that they develop a breadth of knowledge over a range of disciplines.
- Our well-qualified, enthusiastic, and committed staff ensure that all students strive to do their very best by making lessons fun and accessible, setting high standards, and building positive relationships with the students from when they start in Year 7.
- We offer a wide range of opportunities both within the school curriculum and the extracurricular life of the school and annually review our curriculum to ensure that we are giving students every opportunity to succeed in their education.
- In Lower School (Years 7-9), we offer a wide range of subjects, building on the knowledge and skills acquired at primary school.
- In Upper School, students continue to study the core subjects of English, Maths, and Combined Science Trilogy (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics). A relatively high number of students each year are entered for the full complement of EBacc subjects, students continuing with at least one Humanities subject, one Modern Language and, in addition, one practical or Expressive Arts subject. The timetable is constructed around student choice and allows students to have a degree of flexibility so that they are able to study, for example, both History and Geography or to continue with two languages. Students are both challenged and enthused by the Key Stage 4 curriculum that we offer.
- Work-related learning is built into the curriculum by our annual Careers Fair, and Year 10 Work Experience Week.
- Our large, thriving Sixth Form offers a significant amount of flexibility so that students can take their subjects of choice, with around 25 subjects currently being offered. The Sixth Form provides opportunities to learn in small group sizes and it is expected that the vast majority of our students will join our Sixth Form, where they will already be known by staff.
“The school’s comprehensive nature means that it always prioritises the student, and I personally feel extremely proud to belong to a community where everyone is encouraged to achieve their full potential” - Student