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The Ashcombe School


Student Life

We offer a huge range of extra and co-curricular activities that ensures participation and facilitates excellence in equal measure, allowing students to explore new challenges beyond the curriculum.

Sixth Formers have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of social activities.  These include the annual drama and music productions; the visit to a rural school in Uganda; the visit to Romania to help in an orphanage and local farming community; the visit to China to learn Chinese and experience Chinese culture; the skiing holidays; as well as the usual sporting activities.

Besides these, there are Sixth Form socials which are held in the Sixth Form Centre, the Christmas Dinner Dance, the Summer Induction Day BBQ, a Graduation Boat Trip on the Thames and a whole range of societies, visits and outings.

In addition to the main courses, Sixth Form students can take part in a variety of sports on Wednesday afternoons.  For those that are interested in sport on a competitive basis, students have the opportunity to play fixtures against local schools and colleges.  Sixth Formers are also invited to take part in the Young Enterprise Scheme and have the opportunity to participate in the Gold Level Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme.

Many students volunteer in a wide variety of projects around the school.  Sixth Formers supporting younger students has proved very popular for all involved.  Our enrichment offering extends to Friday mornings when we have a guest speakers programme.

Above all our enrichment programme is a great opportunity of learning new skills, meeting new people, and having fun!